Today, starting the second week of 2019, I’ve decided to start the Tidy Tuesday Data Challenge. So, what is Tidy Tuesday?

Tidy Tuesday is a weekly social data project focused on using the tidyverse ecosystem in R in order to wrangle, tidy, explore and visualize the data given every week. You can read more about it here.

And why have I decided to start this challenge? The whole story is that today, while checking the #rstats hashtag on Twitter, I read some tweets with the #tidytuesday hashtag. It is something not new to me as I’ve read many tweets with the same hashtag during 2018 and they all looked very interesting. But last year I thought of it as an extra Homework I’d have every week, and now I see it differently. This time I see it as a way to practice and brush up my skills during the whole year without any pressure to post every week. In fact, I’m committing to working on the Tidy Tuesday project in a monthly basis. If I get the time to work on more than one #Tidytuesday in a month it will be great! But if it is not possible, I’ll be fine with at least one.

I’ll be posting about my Tidy Tuesday “challenge” here. Any comment or feedback will be more than welcome.

Update 2019/07/30: Since I wrote this post I’ve just written one #TidyTuesday article (week 1). So, to make up for it, I am going to write more often since mid-Augustmid-October 2019, with the goal of having at least 12 #TidyTuesday posts by the end of the year. In order to accomplish this, I am going to give myself a restraint: to post the article the same day I start writing it. If possible, I’ll take no more than a couple of hours writing the article. Why this restraint? Without it, I would potentially take too much time writing the “perfect” article, ripping off all the fun of doing this.