With a major in economics and many specializations/courses/workshops in Data Science & Machine Learning (in-person & online), I’ve learned in practice what I’ve never been taught in any class: It doesn’t matter how much you know (tools, methods, software, theory, etc.), what really matters is what you can do with that knowledge. You need to know about the industry, understand the data you have access to and, more importantly, understand the question/problem you are trying to solve. Then you mix this knowledge with your bag of Data Tools (more knowledge) and, using your creativity, make sense of all of the data in the best way possible.

So, this blog is meant to share my experience with different datasets and industries and, along the way, it will be a way for me to practice and strengthen my creativity and everything I am constantly learning.

I am currently in charge of the Data Team for the Digital Division at L’Oréal, in the Peruvian HQ, and at the same time doing my MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. To know more about me or reach me out, please follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.